Biodiversity matinée in September 2019
On the occasion of our family business being presented with the Wildlife Estates Label on 6 September 2019, we held a discussion event at Kettenburg Estate with invited guests.
Selected press reports can be found here
The programme included:
A welcoming address from Under Secretary Horst Buschalsky, representing the Niedersachsen Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Department for Forest Policy, Forest Governance, Hunting and the Timber Industry
Ulrich C Reiter, The Sea Rescuers – The German Maritime Search and Rescue Association (DGzRS)
Keynote speeches with discussion:
Chaired by Doctor of Veterinary Medicine K Alexandra Dörnath MSc Wild Animal Health
Prof Dr Wolf Dieter Grossmann: ‘Sustainable forestry at a time when utopias are coming true’
Prof Dr Hans Köpp: ‘From ruthless exploitation to a permanent forest – using the example of Kettenburg Estate’
Engineer Dr Eckart Senitza: ‘Principles of Pro Silva forestry’
Dr Daniel Baskaran: ‘Promotion of biodiversity and economic activity in the Malaysian rainforest’
Retired Director of Forests Carsten Schröder: ‘Forests of hope from a practical point of view’
A presentation on the Wildlife Estates Label by Hanns-Heinrich Köhler, Chairman of the Niedersachsen Agriculture and Forestry Family Businesses Association
Unveiling the Wildlife Estates Label plaque, Midday meal
Walk through the forest followed by refreshments