Excellence in biodiversity

Wildlife Estates Label, awarded March 2019

The EU’s biodiversity strategy is the basis of the philosophy behind this label, which was initiated at European level in 2005 by the European Landowners’ Organisation (ELO). The awards are presented to European agricultural and forestry companies that actively promote biodiversity beyond the minimum legal requirements. The WE Label is granted by the Scientific Committee – consisting of scientists from various disciplines – and the Steering Committee, an international jury that presides over the final award.

The WE label has currently been awarded more than 330 times in 19 European member states, with 13 of the awards going to Germany.


Biodiversity matinée in September 2019

On the occasion of our family business being presented with the Wildlife Estates Label on 6 September 2019, we held a discussion event at Kettenburg Estate with invited guests.

Selected press reports can be found here

The programme included:

A welcoming address from Under Secretary Horst Buschalsky, representing the Niedersachsen Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Department for Forest Policy, Forest Governance, Hunting and the Timber Industry

Ulrich C Reiter, The Sea Rescuers – The German Maritime Search and Rescue Association (DGzRS)

Keynote speeches with discussion:
Chaired by Doctor of Veterinary Medicine K Alexandra Dörnath MSc Wild Animal Health

Prof Dr Wolf Dieter Grossmann: ‘Sustainable forestry at a time when utopias are coming true’

Prof Dr Hans Köpp: ‘From ruthless exploitation to a permanent forest – using the example of Kettenburg Estate’

Engineer Dr Eckart Senitza: ‘Principles of Pro Silva forestry’

Dr Daniel Baskaran: ‘Promotion of biodiversity and economic activity in the Malaysian rainforest’

Retired Director of Forests Carsten Schröder: ‘Forests of hope from a practical point of view’

A presentation on the Wildlife Estates Label by Hanns-Heinrich Köhler, Chairman of the Niedersachsen Agriculture and Forestry Family Businesses Association

Unveiling the Wildlife Estates Label plaque, Midday meal

Walk through the forest followed by refreshments